With the release of Google’s new social networking site Google+, Picasa has suddenly gained popularity. Google+ user Picasa to store images which you have shared on your profile. If you are the person who thinkg Google+ works better than Facebook, then you can move all your Facebook photos to Picasa using MovetoPicasa. and share it with your circles in Google+. Move2Picasa is a free service which lets you connect to your Facebook account and move all your Facebook photos and albums to Google’s Picasa service.
You need to login with your Facebook account and grand permission for the service to access your Facebook photos. Once authorized, it starts moving all images to your Picasa Account. Based on the number of photos you have in your Facebook account, the transfer time will vary.
You can move either all or photos or none, there is no selectively move option.
Currently Move2Picasa is flooded with requests and you will need to wait till the existing queues are complete.