Improve your productivity while on the move using the right combination of tools, softwares, tips and tricks. Here are the steps to increase your productivity while you are traveling.
1. Carry a Good smart phone: Smart phones are a great way to get connected and check your mails and surf the net while on the move. There are good quality smartphones like Sony Ericsson P1i or the Nokia E61i. Most of them offer Wi Fi connectivity with GPRS facility. Smart phones allows you to open document, check emails and browse the internet.
2. Carry a Laptop: In case you need to work more while on the move, smartphones may not be enough to do the job. Having a good laptop serves the purpose. Nowadays prices of laptops have come down drastically, so you can get a laptop for more or less the same price of desktop.
3. Store Data Online: Storing data online is another way to get all information needed at any point of time. You can download your files anytime from the website. nowadays most of the online services offer good security. You can check out the review of top online storage services.
4. Use Online services like Google Docs and Spreadsheets: Google docs and spreadsheets are good way to manipulate the data online. Zoho is also another company which provides similar sevices. These supports formats like html, docs, PDF etc.
5. Portable Apps: Portable apps is a great collection of popular software bundled as portable. You can run these application directly from the drive or USB drive without the hassles of installing all softwares. Portable apps is 100% freeware and contains no spywares or malwares. Download Portable Apps
6. Carry a memory card/ USB drive: With Memory cards or USB pen drives you can store most of your files and also portable apps. Nowadays USB drives have become cheaper and so is the case with portable harddisks. You can check out the review of 2GB iBall drve.
7. Carry a Datacard: Mobile phones can provide you with internet facilities, but most of the time they could be slow. In such cases a data card can come handy. Datacards offer internet connectivity using GSM or CDMA network. In India Reliance, Airtel and TATA are providing datacards in the form of USB drives.
8. Improve the performance of laptop/ cellphone battery: Tweaking the laptop or cellphone for optimum or minimum power can save a lot of battery. Some laptop vendors offer battery saving softwares which can do better power management of your battery. Reducing screen brightness, switching off blue tooth, removing USB drives are few methods. In case your mobile runs out of charge, carry the USB cable which helps you to charge phone from laptop. There are few gadgets also, which can boost the laptop with some power.
9. Ultra mobile PC (UMPC): UMPC’s are fully fledged hand held PC with almost all the features of laptop. Currently most of the UMPC are highly priced. In case you can afford one, you can get from Sony or Samsung models. The advantage with UMPC’s are that they are loaded with regular OS unlike smartphones which come with mobile OS.
10. Have a good carry bag and pack all accessories: Having a good bag allows you to remember where you have kept all the accessories when needed. Dont forget to carry all the accessories like CDs, charger, bluetooth devices, head phones, USB cable etc. Make sure that you pack them properly.
If you like to add any more tips, tweaks or softwares which help to improve productivity while on move, please share it in comments. Hope you enjoyed reading the article.
I carry my Laptop, Smartphone, flash drive with portable apps installed, a 40 GB portable drive and a camera weherever I go.
This definitely helps me quite a lot. At times when I want to make a quick post I duck into the nearest Starbucks and write away :-).
This is good list to get productive on the move. I carry Laptop, 3G card, USB drive but don’t have others you mentioned. 😥
I think i am out of budget to get so productive 😀 … The list seems good but I think you missed extra battery for laptop as laptop battery is good enough to work for maximum 2 to 3 hours and I seriously doubt it will be that much productive. 3g card is not required if you have a 3g mobile phone with data package, you can connect it to your laptop and browse. 💡
I have mentioned about some gadgets which can be handy to increase the battery life of Laptops. With 3G phones you can connect, but sometimes speed may be low, that when Datacard comes handy.
Hey you know how is the speed for 3G phones, i get 387KBPS with my 3G/EDGE card.
Not sure about the speeds, as you know 3G is not yet available in India.
hi guyz im new here..where can i get data card in malaysia..can anyone help me…plz guyz..
I would like to know the cost of a laptop pentium 4 with the following programs USB READ,BLUETOOTH LINK,WEBCOME PROGRAM, DVD READ.
Wah! What an article! Thanks a ton for the tips. 🙂
wow, like thanks for the info man top stuff, but im still thinking its kinda lame u know wat i meeeaan?