The budget phone from Xiaomi, the Redmi 2 was announced earlier this year in March 2015 and it was priced Rs 6999. When it was launched, it did have amazing specs and also support for dual 4G along with a great camera for a budget phone. But things have changed in the past few months with launch of Yuphoria, Lenovo A6000 Plus and also the Coolpad Dazen 1. All these devices have slightly better specs and priced almost similar to Redmi 2 giving stiff competition.
Recently Xiaomi announced a price cut for Redmi Note and now the company had cut the price of Redmi 2 and it now sells for Rs 5999. The price drops makes the device more competitive.
Related Reading: Xiaomi Redmi 2 Review
Redmi 2 comes with 4.7 inch (1280 X 720P) IPS HD display and is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 Quad Core processor with 64-bit support and Adreno 305 GPU. The phone comes with 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage which is similar to Redmi 1S.
There is dual SIM card support and runs MIUI v6 on top of Android 4.4 KitKat. The internal storage can be expanded via micro SD card upto 32GB. On the imaging front the phone has 8MP rear camera with LED Flash, BSI sensor and 1080p video recording support and a 2MP front-facing camera.
Starting today, Redmi 2 will be available for Rs. 5,999 on and across Mi India partners including Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, The Mobile Stores and Airtel stores. The Rs 1000 price drop will make Redmi Note 4G more attractive for buyers